

Kraftort Natur

29. Jänner 2022, 13:31 Uhr Autor:

Logo design for the wonderful Elfriede Gölli with her heart project „Kraftort Natur“

Tribu Varinawa

28. Oktober 2021, 00:26 Uhr Autor:

Illustrations for a mini-documentary about the tribe of the Varinawa in the Amazon of Brazil

Samaúma Shono

28. Oktober 2021, 00:22 Uhr Autor:

Logo design for Rapé „Samaúma Shono“


27. Oktober 2021, 23:47 Uhr Autor:

Design and technical implementation of the website for my valued client amcoss amcoss-systems.com amcoss.com


27. Oktober 2021, 23:45 Uhr Autor:

It was with great pleasure creating this design and technical implementation of the website for the valuable texts and offers ... View Article

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