


20. Mai 2023, 16:30 Uhr Autor:

Logo design and business cards for the barefoot coach Manuel

Huchuy Chakana

20. Mai 2023, 16:24 Uhr Autor:

Creation of animated illustrations for a documentary by Huchuy Chakana See animated illustrations

Huchuy Chakana

20. Mai 2023, 16:12 Uhr Autor:

Logo design for the film production Huchuy Chakana owned by my husband Geza Isaac Morales Altamirano

Verena Buggelsheim

10. Mai 2023, 16:06 Uhr Autor:

Logo and various print designs for the hairdresser Verena Buggelsheim

Gurktaler Hof

10. Mai 2023, 15:33 Uhr Autor:

Logo and various print designs for the Gurktaler Hof in Weitensfeld.


16. Feber 2022, 20:42 Uhr Autor:

Logo design, web design and technical implementation of my online shop where I offer hand-bound notebooks, calendars and art prints ... View Article

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